Social Listening: What You Need to Know

Do you have a burning curiosity to know what people are saying about your brand? Fortunately, there’s a simple way to find out. Social listening is the act of listening to conversations and trends around your brand and the industry in real time. The insights you gain from this process are invaluable to plan your growth strategy. Here is some information you need to know about social listening.
1.Customer Engagement

Everyone likes being heard, but no group more than your customers. 48% of customers purchase with a brand that is responsive. The data you gain from social listening will help you craft responses that provide value, improve brand loyalty, and increase customer retention rates.

Practice social listening by:

  • Choosing the social network you want to listen on
  • Deciding which customers’ feedback to take

2. Brand Reputation

When you practice social listening, your customers know that you are willing to hear out their concerns. If you enable real-time notifications, you can engage in conversations with your customers live, thus improving your reputation.

Conversations for which you can set up real-time notifications:

  • Brand names
  • Brand slogans
  • Brand campaigns
  • CEO’s name
  • Competitors’ names
  • Industry buzzwords

3. Crisis Management

The best way to deal with crises is to prevent them. If you keep up with industry trends, predictions, and customers’ real-life conversations about your brand, then you can identify negative comments about your firm. From this, you can determine measures to set up to prevent these scenarios from happening, through tools such as:

  • Google Alerts – Monitor the web for brand mentions, keywords, and phrases
  • Hootsuite – Monitor keywords and phrases across major social networks such as Google+, Facebook, and Twitter
  • Brand Mentions – Analyzes dozens of social media websites to provide in-depth reports on your competitors’ online presence.

4. Influencer marketing With the power of social listening, you can take up influencer marketing. Social listening lets you know which influencers are driving and setting the trends in your industry, and hire them for your brand to win over the public.

A small guide to finding the right influencers:

  • Look for brand ambassadors
  • Listen for brand mentions
  • Look for influencers outside your brand affinity
  • Analyze their target market and buyers

Capture the Buzz in a Bottle

Social listening can help you make your business successful and truly remain in touch with what your audience is thinking and feeling. If you want to learn more about social listening or start now, reach out to the Bumblebee Branding Company.

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