Go from good to great with mystery shopping


Have you ever wanted an unbiased opinion of your business from the people that matter most to you? Have you also wanted to understand why a customer would choose you over your closest competitors? There is a simple way to answer those questions through a sure-fire process. Hiring mystery shoppers to act as your business customers and going through their customer experience in- store or online, will give you valuable insights into their customer experiences.

1. Adapt to expectations

Customer expectations have changed, so what worked for you earlier might not work now. To understand what today’s customers value, you can hire a mystery shopper that reflects a representative of your target audience. They will be able to tell you what matters to people today, as well as how alter standards to meet their needs.

2. Ask your burning questions

The truth is that today’s customers do not have the time to sit down with you and discuss what they think of your business. For them, the interaction ends with the sale. However, a mystery shopper would be able to answer your questions. You can even tell them to assess your business based on your predetermined standards. They are your window into customer satisfaction.

3. Avoid pitfalls – be proactive

You can succeed if you stop reacting to customer experiences immediately after they happen and proactively address all possible weak points of your business in consultation with a mystery shopper. Imagine a customer leaving a negative review about your business all over social media – not pretty, is it? You can prevent such a negative review by addressing that concern before the customer raises it- by asking a person to try out your business and give you advice on it.

4. Get spot checks done

Sometimes, all the big details can be perfect, but you slipped up with your customers in the little details, such as not having the product in stock that they wanted. You can regularly inspect your customer service processes to get spot checks done by the mystery shopper. This way, you can be sure of each and every detail in your process and doing it periodically is an assessment of your quality.


Mystery shopping allows you to create a sense of value for your customers’ money by taking your product or service from good to great. The Bumblebee Branding Company provides mystery shopping services in Chennai, India – and you can hire these services for both in-store and online shopping. Take your product to its peak with some much-needed honesty.

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