Let us help you manage your reputation in search and social media

social media management

If you think you can run your business without a proper online reputation management strategy in place, it’s time to think again.

Before buying any product or subscribing to a service, customers always look up reviews and ask for friends and family recommendations. So, having a good brand reputation is crucial. It is more important to constantly monitor brand reputation online and conduct crisis management if things go south.

Building your reputation online is easy, but you will need to act fast and stay on top of it 24/7.

You will need to have a strong brand reputation management that will help you know where your brand stands in the market while increasing your ROI.

The brand reputation gives you a bird’s eye view and the specifics of how your brand is perceived by everybody else. For instance, an excellent brand reputation indicates the level of trust your target audience has for your brand.

Yes, I agree that continuous monitoring and managing your reputation online can be pretty daunting. However, it must be done.

But we are giving you a few pointers that will help you grow and protect your online reputation with ease.

Find your Current Status

Begin your reputation management by first assessing what your actual reputation is. Find out what your customers think about you by keeping a close eye on social media profiles, customer review websites, search results.

However, a google quick search will give you a broad overview and won’t pinpoint specific issues. For this, you can use tools such as The Brand Grader, Go Fish Digital’s Complaint Box, Mention, and Google Alerts.

Find appropriate keywords

Use keywords that match users’ searches. By employing tools like Google keywords, you can find the keywords that will provide the best results and use them in your content. Be sure to include primary and secondary keywords at the correct densities.

Responding to customer reviews politely

You have to respond to every customer review – good or bad. Ensure that you use your brand’s tone and voice when you are replying. Remember to reply adequately and quickly, especially when it is a negative review. You don’t want prospective customers to come across unaddressed reviews.

When it comes to negative reviews, acknowledge the issue and do not get defensive. Suggest taking the issue offline and ensuring that you share that you are doing everything to rectify the issues.

For positive reviews, appreciate the reviewer and tell them that you would love to see them again.

Publicize positive reviews

When anyone writes good reviews about your products/services, First reply and acknowledge them and then promote the reviews across your social media platforms as well as Google. This way, a larger section of your audience can read what happy customers have to say, and your brand’s online credibility improves.

Track ROI

Managing your company’s online perception is possibly the best way to boost growth, sales, and success. Effective online reputation management helps companies generate more business, increase profits, and reduce operational costs.

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