4 Steps to Planning Your Effective Website Strategy


To ensure that your website doesn’t go unused, you have to take the time necessary for it. This post lists four steps on planning for a successful site by making decisions about design, content creation, SEO optimization process (search engine rank), and analytics. These steps will allow everything to work together seamlessly in bringing traffic and leads without superfluous waste of valuable resources.

1. Decide on your business goals

The first step in planning a website is also the most obvious – sit down and decide what you want to accomplish with it. What are your long and short-term goals and how can this website help you accomplish them?

For example, if your goal is to increase your revenue by X amount over a quarter, your website may have to use the following website marketing strategies:

  • Increase subscribers to your email newsletters
  • Increase traffic to your product or service page
  • Charge premium for certain features

2. Understand your ideal customer avatar

You also have to understand who you want to be reading the page because your target audience will have a huge impact on the design and functionality of your website.

Start by writing down the name of one person you want to service – note down their age, gender, profession, and income. Write down websites that inspire this person, their hobbies, and tastes. Then you can match this information with your content, and come up with the website design.

3. Analyze what the competition has done

The biggest teachers of website strategy will be your competitors. Sit down and analyze their websites to see what they have done well, and where they could have done better in. Put down a list of three to five most popular competitors in their field, and take one element that you liked from each of their websites to apply to yours. See if these elements have helped improve the brand’s online presence.

4. Understand buying patterns and selling structure As you build the website, you have to make sure that it accomplishes the business goal – which means it needs to move customers along the buying process. To achieve this, map out the sales process that you plan to display on the website, as well as the influences and buying patterns of existing and prospective customers, determined through website visitor tracking.

A well-converting website > a good looking one

A well-converting website is as important as a good-looking one. You can create a website strategy to ensure your website both looks good and converts well with the Bumblebee Branding Company in Chennai, India.

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